Thursday, May 17, 2007

Pioneers: A great mission agency

I've known Steve Richardson, the President of Pioneers, for nearly 10 years. He just spent the last 2 days at our home in Dallas. I've served on their Board for the last 4 years and recently became their Chairman.

We now have over 1000 North American missionaries serving on 170 teams among 98 people groups in 72 countries. It's a privilege to serve this ministry even in a small capacity.

Jackie and I will be hooking up the Pioneer leadership teams from around the world in November at their conference in Melbourne, Australia.

1 comment:

Sharee Forman said...

I'm happy to stumble upon your blog...does Justin know you have this? He will be excited. And...who knew that Dumb and Dumber would be at the top of Marty Mosley's movie list? That makes me smile too! :)